Thursday, October 23, 2008

And you thought I'd disappeared!

I apologize for the lack of posts recently, but I'm back! See if you you can find the flubs in these sentences that were found by copy editors before they appeared in The Forum.

1. He is accused of molesting four girls who were between the ages of 6 to 8 at the time.

2. But five-year-old Ellen is excited that she gets to be like her big brother.

3. The flood study will review various alternatives, including levies.

4. It's holdings include lumber yards in Fargo, Mayville, Pelican Rapids and Perham.

5. He wants to see action on alternative energy in the next Administration.

6. Guan is a medium-sized city of about six million near Beijing.

7. She supports Democratic Presidential candidate Barack Obama.

8. Charlie embodies the spirit of productive aging as a contributing member to today's workforce.

9. The school district will pay $44,700 a year to lease space for their high school teams.

10. Russia and some other countries in eastern Europe grow many of the same crops as North Dakota farmers.

1. He is accused of molesting four girls who were between the ages of 6 and 8 at the time.

2. But 5-year-old Ellen is excited that she gets to be like her big brother.
AP Stylebook says: ages Always use figures for people and animals (but not for inanimates): The girl is 15 years old; the law is eight years old. When the context does not require years or years old, the figure is presumed to be years. Use hyphens for ages expressed as adjectives before a noun or as substitutes for a noun.

3. The flood study will review various alternatives, including levees.

4. Its holdings include lumber yards in Fargo, Mayville, Pelican Rapids and Perham.

5. He wants to see action on alternative energy in the next administration.

6. Guan is a medium-sized city of about 6 million near Beijing.
AP Stylebook says: millions, billions Use figures with million or billion in all except casual uses: I'd like to make a billion dollars. But: The nation has 1 million citizens. I need $7 billion.

7. She supports Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama.

8. Charlie embodies the spirit of productive aging as a contributing member to today's work force.

9. The School District will pay $44,700 a year to lease space for its high school teams.

10. Russia and some other countries in Eastern Europe grow many of the same crops as North Dakota farmers.

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